Hi everyone! This is a short story about me and how my interests in video game production grew along side with me. The very first game I ever played was Dune 2: The Building of a Dynasty on a MS-DOS. As for my past experience that got me started; I created levels in a editor called Nile for the video game Joint Operations Combined Arms (2005). Later on I worked with the GtkRadiant editor for Call of Duty 4 back towards 2008. The levels I created were for the interest of my friends. Even though these levels were not my best they were still a base start for learning. From then on I have had a interest in many things related to video games such as modding, server hosting, and creating ideas for new video games.
More recently I have gained much experience through the work of solo and group projects. These projects have each taught me something different. The group projects were the most informative in aspects of scope, team, and time management. Whereas with the solo projects I learned my own personal design techniques to each game engine.