Level Designer
Tasks Assigned
Create a level that had a story element with AI.
Tools Used
Skills Utilized
Level Design - Set Design - Paper mapping - Story/Mission Creation - Documentation
This single-player first person shooter level has the player going through a small foggy town captured by enemies. The player must progress though the fog and patrols of this quiet farm area.
Above: Papermap showing the initial idea behind the level.
Above: Showing the starting area for the player without the fog enabled.
**(Disclaimer: Fog disabled in some screenshots to showcase level.)**
Above: Further down the path from player start showing some pathing obstacles.
Above: This shows the small lake area with a bridge.
Above: Area towards player start, on the other side of the hill. This is the main road that leads through the village.
Above: Showing one of the paths leading through bushes.
Above: Split path.
Above: Area just before the first AI patrol encounter.
Above: Character engaging a AI patrol.
Above: Area is located towards the back of a village house.
Above: Area towards the end of the scene, loot house on the right.
Documents of Work:
Above: Snippet of the word document for pre-production.
** Full documentation can be found at ** -